Turtle Wallpapers

Beautiful wallpapers with turtles swimming in the water or walking at the beach or grass. On the first wallpapers is the Galápagos giant tortoise, the biggest turtle in the world. They can weigh up to 250 kg. And did you know that tortoises get moisture from vegetables, fruits, plants and grasses, and therefore they can survive more than 6 months without drinking water.

HD wallpaper with giant turtle
Galápagos tortoise eats endive.
HD wallpaper Galápagos giant tortoise
HD wallpaper with a Galápagos giant tortoise in the grass, eating vegetables.
Galápagos giant tortoise in a zoo
Galápagos giant tortoise behind a fence in a zoo

Ok, I pictured another kind of turtle too:

HD wallpaper with turtle
HD wallpaper with turtle. To be honest, I have no idea what kind this is. So if you know.. please leave a message!

How to download a turtle wallpaper?

If you want to download one of these HD wallpapers, just click on the picture and you will be redirected to the download page. There you can right click on the wallpaper and save it to your computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone.

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